Smart Buildings _ UoE






Our faculty was able to start execution of cooperation contract between the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at King Abdulaziz University and School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex (the contract period of 5 years) on 24/12/1431. Current activities aimed at the contract to increase the dissemination of scientific research in the field of smart buildings until accessing the full vision of serving our community by building a unique center at our university entitled "Smart AI Research Center of Excellence". The benefit of this contract is to make our University the leader by building the center of excellence for Artificial Intelligence. The center is supported on the outcomes of this collaboration of research, which will be designed on an intelligent hardware and software, and will be unique of its kind in the world.

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society

An IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter (geo-code is CH08793) has formed on Feb 9, 2015

Activities of the Computer Intelligence Society Chapter:
 1. Theory and Hands-On Experimentation in Wireless Communications Course by the highly cited Professor Polydoros (30st of May - 4th of June).
  2. Communication Systems Modeling and Simulations (6-11th of June).
Current and Newly Elected Volunteers:
ScaleUp Project

[+] The Overall Strategic 
Goals of the ScaleUP Project
[+] The Four Work Packages of the ScaleUP Project
[+] The Expected Goals of the Cooperation Project
[+] Patents
[+] Publications about the ScaleUP Project
[+] Events & Workshops
[+] The Professional Team Who Work on this Project
[+] Contact Us
Environment Development Middleware Kit (EDK)

The Environment Development Middleware Kit (EDK) is a middleware system designed to allow external computer programs to access and potentially control a broad range of individual “smart devices”. Entire intelligent environments, containing multiple devices of various types each connected via a common network, can also be represented using the mechanism API.
The EDK was developed by Dr. Marc Davis as part of ScaleUp, an international collaboration project between the University of Essex in the UK and King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia.


The Environment Development Middleware Kit (EDK) middleware is currently in early alpha release. While efforts have been made to remove bugs from the system, it is possible some remain. Users of the EDK and its API do so at their own risk. Devices being controlled with the EDK should not be left unsupervised at any time. The EDK creators accept no responsibility for any damage to persons or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of using the system or any related software. By using the EDK you indicate your agreement to these terms.


Last Update
6/11/2016 1:16:06 AM